bitesizeHave you ever made a promise to yourself, to do something, go somewhere, stop doing something, stop going somewhere, but you never kept it? Were you passionate in your commitment? Did you really mean it, I mean really mean it, at the time. Did you have every intention of following through, but somehow found yourself stood up by your own self. Left disappointed and holding an empty bag by your own choices that followed your initial decision? If your answer to any of these questions is a solid YES. Then you can relate to what I’m about to say next: how come we can give our word to others and follow-through for them, but teach our own selves, by procrastination and lack of effective decision making, not be to be able to count on our follow-through for us?  Maybe it’s time right at the start of fresh week, to pull out a blank page and list all the things you tell others I’m gonna do and all the ways you keep your word. Then compare it to all the things you tell yourself you are gonna do and all the ways you keep your word, and all the ways you don’t. If you find that you are breaking your word to yourself more than you are keeping it. Then it’s time to simply pump the brakes and move following through for you to the top of the priority list. If everybody else can count on our follow-through and our word means something to them. By George, it’s about time it starts meaning something more important to us! Time to repair credibility with us – CC


September 15, 2014


If your life is anything like mine sometimes you just don’t have room in the day to sit down and read through something lengthy, no matter how great it is, this is my bite size take-away area. Every day there will be a just a little something special posted right here that you can click to, read and take forward with you…Gobble, Gobble and enjoy!!!

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